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digital map excerpt as a part of ICT GIS infrastructure

Krunoslav.Hrnjak@yottabyte.HR, M. Sc. E.E., MBA, PMP

INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community

34 INSPIRE themes

DigMap Supporters

Krunoslav Hrnjak, M. Sc. E.E., MBA, PMP
Tihana ​Hrnjak, M. A. in Political Science
Siniša Sovilj, Ph.D. E.E.,
Ivan Dubravica, M. Sc. C.E.,
Dragan Divjak, Mr.Sc. in Geodesy and Geoinformation
Nebojša Subanović, M.Sc. in Meteorology

This project is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 632838
DigMap project enables easy and standardized way to disseminate spatial and non-spatial data.

Cloud-based service that allows an operational implementation based on open interfaces (OGC WPS - Open Geospatial Consortium Web Processing Service), leading to interoperability and portability
ie. ( WMS, WFS, WPS ).

The specific Dig Map project objectives (POs) are to design, develop, test and demonstrate the use of tool for digital map excerpt that support:
• PO1. Authenticity
• PO2. Standardization
• PO3. Interoperability
• PO4. Data billing
• PO5. FOSS (free and open source software)
Social Impacts
• provide level of comfort and speed of public and private services delivered over Internet
• excerpts in real time as a self-service

Competitiveness of the EU
• principle missions of the European Commission is to promote the competitiveness of the ICT industries and services
• innovations are regarded as crucial for ensuring the competitiveness of European industries in the knowledge economy.

Policy impacts
• Directive 2003/98/EC and 2013/37/EU on the re-use of PS
• INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC
• The Digital Agenda for Europe
• EIF for pan-European eGovernment services

Image Source: European Commission Directorate General for Information Society and Media, The eGovernment Benchmark, Delivering the European Advantage, Complexity of services and steps of Digital Development

DigMap clearly contributes to the following impacts:

• It fosters wider use of spatial data, by public and private organisations, through value added services.
• It promotes the use and re-use of harmonised and interoperable data sets, related to a number of themes within annexes I-III of the INSPIRE directive
• It delivers enabling services for dissemination and visualisation of information.
• It implements processing services using OGC WPS standards.
• Facilitate cross border use and data/service integration.

The overall aim of the proposed project is to provide easy to use software for creation of digital map excerpt, digitally signed based on free and open source software.
get involved and join the


*easy to use software for creation of digital map excerpt

take a part in project as a developer (contribute to open source community), end user (provide your service with DigMap) or supporter (cheer us and motivate)

realize your big thoughts

and tiny ideas

co-funded by the EU Commision, FI WARE Programme ie. Finodex accelerator

already applied for SME instruments
Proposal, Evaluation Summary Report
and finally funding from Future INternet Open Data EXpansion: Phase 1 proposal, Phase 2 Business Model Document, Phase 2 Technical Design Document, Phase 2 Evaluation Summary Report Phase 3 Deliverable, Phase 3 Evaluation Summary Report

do it yourself using DigMap tutorial, test in DigMap Fiware Lab or see how MVP (minimal viable product) works

let's create project plan

feel free to contact me right away!

thank you for your attention ;)
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Watch DigMap Promotion Video
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